RELATIONSHIP KILLERS :things that kills your relationships

Image result for relationship killersTHINGS THAT KILLS YOUR RELATIONSHIP

 Unrealistic expectations

When you begin a relationship there are certain underlying expectations. These boundaries get wrapped up in behavior and action. This might be particular chores around the house, how money is spent, or how children are disciplined.
Problems emerge when these expectations become unrealistic and the partner feels crushed under the weight of their failing behavior. Most likely this will lead to an unhealthy relationship.
Desire to control 
Desire to control individual is rooted in fear and insecurity. A controlling attitude has more to do with us, and less with the partner.
When control enters a relationship, an underlying fear is buzzing behind the surface. It may be fear of not knowing the future. Fear of abandonment. Fear of being seen as a terrible spouse.
Mind studying
The easiest way to destroy relationship is to play armchair psychic. Mind reading takes a posture of assumption instead of listening, judgment instead of compassion.
When we try and read the thoughts, motives, and intentions of another person, their voice is taken away. It dehumanizes the partner and does not give them room for explanation. We all struggle with this one because it’s easier to play “mind reader” than listen to your partner.
This is also the most popular relationship killer. couples can do without complaining but complaints is different from criticism.
Immediately one start by blaming another the relationship is at the peak of falling.
When you start comparing your relationship goals with others , your relationship is about to die
Comparing your current partner with a former relationship is a guaranteed disaster. The comparison is unfair. No one person is the standard for all relationships. If they were so great why did the relationship not work out?
Testing your current relationship, based on a prior one, is a good way to kill your relationship before it begins. Relationships are complex because of timing, maturity of the partner, and emotional stability. These factors change over time.

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